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Intro to Performance PT

Hello everyone! My name is Dr. Arthur Lee. I am a performance physical therapist who specializes in helping people return to activities that they love. One may ask "What is the difference between a performance physical therapist and a traditional physical therapist?" As a clinician who spent over 7 years working in traditional physical therapy settings, I'm hoping to be able to better explain this concept.

With the traditional physical therapy approach, we would normally just sit back and wait until someone gets injured, then the physical therapist works to get them back to baseline. In that scenario, if the physical therapist just helps the patient return to baseline, then they will most likely just go and reinjure themselves all over again. But what if their "baseline" was part of the reason that they got injured in the first place? This pattern can lead to a vicious cycle that can result in even more injuries, chronic pain, and debilitating surgeries. As a performance physical therapist, I am hoping to help break that cycle. Research has shown that restoring a client back to "baseline" isn't good enough. We need to be able to enhance movement patterns, increase capacity, and create an even better "baseline;" a baseline that does not put the client at risk for injury.

This is the reason that I started Infinite Athlete Physical Therapy and Performance. I felt that as a clinician, the traditional approach was not working. My goal is to not only help clients get out of pain, but to optimize their performance in order to create an even better baseline than they had before the injury. We also specialize in injury prevention. A client does not have to wait until an injury occurs to improve his or her baseline and optimize overall performance.

At Infinite Athlete Physical Therapy and Performance, we provide a thorough one on one evaluation. We single out faulty movement patterns and correct them before they cause a problem. As the PT, I sit down with each client in order to create an individualized plan for meeting all of these goals to optimize performance. If you or someone you know could benefit from a performance physical therapy evaluation, click the button below to view our Contact Us page. I will discuss your case with you on the phone during a free 15-minute phone call to see if we are a good fit for you and you are a good fit to work with us.

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